Head Coach Annoncment – Welcome Dan Lemmon

The Oceanside Generals organization is excited to announce the hiring of our new Head coach, Dan Lemmon.

Dan has a thorough hockey background coaching multiple season in the VIJHL both in Oceanside and Nanaimo.  During his most recent season in 2016-2017 he has named the VIJHL Coach of the Year.  As well, Dan spent 3 seasons behind the bench of the BCMML North Island Silvertips both as an Assistant Coach and Head Coach.

Dan is a former Oceanside Generals Player have played in 3 seasons with the Generals from 2002-2005.  During his final season as a General, at the age of 18, Dan was named team captain and defenceman of the year.  His hockey career progressed in 2005 – 2006 when he joined the BCHL Cowichan Capitals.  Dan was named defencemen of the year in both seasons he played for the Capitals.

Dan is know for his up-tempo coaching style, valuing hard working players and developing a team that will compete night in and night out.  When we spoke with come of Dan’s former player, it quickly became clear that Dan is a player’s coach.  Many of his players describe Dan as their favorite Coach and loved to play for him.  He has a proven track record of graduating players to the next level and beyond.

Dan’s extensive hockey connections throughout North America will help attract and recruit players to the Generals organization.  His hockey contacts spread from the junior level into the professional level including the NHL.

The Oceanside Generals would like to welcome Dan to the Gens Family!